Live  to  learn
Lessons  for  Life Learn  to  live

  1. Creator and Redeemer
  2. You don't have to pay to avail time
  3. Time value of Money
  4. Money has different names
  5. Happy shopping
  6. The gift of life
  7. Love of wisdom
  8. To love and be loved
  9. A friend in need is a friend indeed
  10. Love story
  11. Finding true love
  12. Rules for a Happy Marriage
  13. Life  partners
  14. Rules of relationships
  15. A house divided against itself cannot stand
  16. Live in hope, love in peace
  17. Life is a beautiful journey not a destination
  18. Betrayal can cause emotional distress
  19. Lost Love
  20. Unlocked your heart
  21. Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely
  22. Mental toughness is essential to success
  23. Humor and Laughter
  24. Happiness is a method of  life
  25. Life is about having a good time
  26. Rules of life
  27. Art of living
  28. The purpose of life
  29. I've learned
  30. Love Honesty Truth Respect
  31. Be thankful for all the troubles you don't have
  32. Gratitude for friendship
  33. Keep calm
  34. Discipline
  35. Karma
  36. Life goes on
  37. Morals involve a personal code of conduct
  38. A person of principles or a principled person
  39. Make peace with your broken pieces
  40. Don't quit
  41. Self-reliant
  42. Surprise yourself everyday with your own courage
  43. Winners and Losers
  44. Grow in life
  45. Live your life and forget your age
  46. Actions speak louder than words
  47. If I could
  48. Reading and Learning
  49. One page Bible
  50. Biblical studies
  51. The Lord's Prayer
  52. St. Francis' Peace Prayer
  53. Pluck the moment and seize the day
  54. Footprints vs. Butt prints
  55. Church humor
  56. Never forget the hands that raised you
  57. Rest In Peace
  58. Every season serves a purpose
  59. Dare to Dream
  60. Energy is the essence of life
  61. To travel is to live
  62. Mind and illusion
  63. Things people actually said in court
  64. Intuition is the whisper of the soul
  65. Queen of The Night Epiphyllum
  66. An expression of greeting

Life is a book. Every day a new page.
Every month there is a new chapter,
Every year there is a new series.

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We share, we learn, we grow.  Live and learn and pass it on.